I'm a product of the public school system, and chances are, so are you. Do I need to say any more?
The public school system is a failure. It's a billion dollar failure at that. Now this is not a knock on all of the caring people that work within the system who give their all everyday, so don't misconstrue my words. It's a failure because of many things, but I'll give you a few here: The education itself is secular in science, globalist in its social studies, revisionist in history, it lacks the ability to properly inculcate its students in a coherent manner of virtue and ethic, it's traded security for maturity (which it fails at too), it puts the students in an environment that resembles a prison, and groups kids together in an all together toxic, godless environment. Do I need to go on?
With all of that said, I am a product of this institution, and subtracting two years of private school, and a short stint at homeschooling, my children are too. And it pains me to have to send them there. Yes, I know, You're writing this when you could be figuring a way out. Got it. But for now, this is where they are, and are likely to be. I'll be writing more on the adventures as well. So stay tuned. Now, if you're still young, and single, or maybe married with infants, this is primarily for you. If you're like me and your kids are older; well you know the damage is already done. So here are 3 alternatives to public school:
3. Private School
I know, I know, a real shocker. I've had my children in two different private schools. The first one I liked a lot, and the second one; not so much. Which is why we are here today. That said, there may be good options for you. I know it's expensive, but plan to budget this if you're young. If you're in the mix, second job, food rationing, selling that 1500 series truck and buying a Prius are all options that are on the table. At least your kids will be getting a Christ-centered education.
2. Homeschool
I homeschooled my kids for half a year, and figured out it wasn't for me for various reasons. But that doesn't mean it's not for you. I've known homeschooled kids, and some were a bit weird, but honestly, I think they'd be weird anyway. So don't worry about that. And for the whole "socialization" argument. Putting your kids in a bad environment is not "socialization", it's a recipe for disaster. So homeschool the kids, and put them in a bunch of extra curricular's, and then make a lot friends at church.
1. Homeschool Co-Op
This is my new favorite. A homeschool co-op is when a group of parents collectively teach their children. That means each parent takes on the responsibilities to teach in their designated field. This is good because it takes the burden off of one parent to do everything, socializes the kids, gets them out of the house so mom and dad can have some peace and quiet, and allows for a community to build. I'm thinking about this now even though my kids are older. Nevertheless, if you can get on this now in your church, do it.
You want to raise your children in the best possible environment, with the best possible education, and public school isn't cutting it. All the way from the top, down. And I know it isn't all the schools, it's the students. As America continues to lose every sense of moral, and ethical standards within its culture the schools will continue to erode. Which is why you don't want your kids there. So do yourself, and your kids a huge favor and figure something out that doesn't include sending them to public school.
*Last year my sons elementary school required a doctors note for him to have a water bottle in class. Seriously! What should the note have said: "I'm doctor so and so, and due to my MD, I can say that after a review of the patients physiology, I have determined him to be human, a being which requires regular consumption of 1 part Hydrogen, 2 parts Oxygen. Known to you common folk as water. Please allow him to consume at regular intervals throughout the day"