Duel income is where the both the husband and wife work full time. This seems to be the norm for most Americans these days. As a matter of fact, it seems the whole system is set up for this. Wages, government entitlements, schools, and prices all seem to want the husband and the wife to be out pulling their 40 hour a week shifts. I don't know if it's consequential, or intentional, but what I do know is that it sucks.
If you're reading this and you haven't left the nest yet, you have a lot to think about. I don't know if anybody has told you yet, but you're actually responsible for yourself, and will be for a family someday. So you need to get your stuff together, and seriously think about the quality of life you want and what it is going to cost. Don't wait till it's too late. Don't be reactionary, be proactive.
And for the guys out there working and not making enough to support a family on their own: You're going to have to figure something out. Find a way to make more money, or cut the bottom line. Money isn't everything, and maybe you have to sacrifice when you get married. I don't know, just go into a marriage planning to support your family. Pick up a second job if you have to. Just get it done.
For those of you out there like me that are duel income. Do you ever think about the strain it puts on your wife and kids? Having both parents gone/tired leaves too many opportunities for bad habits to form in your children. After all, do we really want the public schools raising our kids? Is that big house/new car worth that? Probably not. I would seriously think what it would take to get into a single income position. A better job? A second job? your own business? I don't know, but figure it out.
Not every woman was made to be at home. I understand that being married myself to a working woman. However, when at all possible, a parent should be full time at home. Homemaking used to be job, and somehow we've lost that. Or traded it for tv dinners, and order in pizza. Either way, children need their parents and working all day for the man won't fulfill your dreams, or your responsibilities to them.