So you've decided enough is enough. You're done being mediocre, and you're ready to get serious. Great. And don't worry, no judgement here. Been there done that if you get my drift. So without any further ado:
3. Make a list
I heard Jordan Peterson talk about this and decided to adopt it as a good tool. So make a list of everything you want to do, then next to those items, write Y or N for what you're willing to do right now. This needs to be an honest inventory of goals, and habits that are in your life. So maybe you want to put down the fatty cakes, and pick up the carrots. Cool. Write it down. Are you willing to do it right now? Yes or no will suffice. Now that you've done that, start doing the Y's, keep the list, and come back to it in a few months to tackle the N's. That way you're not feeling guilty about things you want to change but aren't willing to at the moment. Do this, and you'll change your life.
2. Get an Accountability Partner
Do you have a confidant? I do, and we talk everyday. And we're honest with each other on our wins and our losses (I know, the leadership blogger can lose? Yes, it's possible). No lies, no deceptions. We even call each other out when we're lying to ourselves. And that's a thing. So get someone you can trust, who you can confess too, and who will hold you accountable. They should be of the same sex, same faith, and preferably go to the same church.
1. Get Real and Plan
Your goals need to be realistic, and concrete. No abstracts. If your goal is to drop the fatty cakes, you need to plan to do it. Create the steps necessary to make it real. And be realistic. Making a million dollars, or losing a hundred pounds in a week probably isn't going to hack it. Both are Plausible...in the right time. So that list you made, make another, this one should have timelines, and steps, and contingencies. If you're quitting the cakes, but find yourself at the store eye balling the Hershey's, what's your plan for getting out of there without an extra 150 cals, and a $1.50 missing from your wallet?
It's my hope and prayer that these tools will work for you. I know they'll work, but at the end of the day, you have to work them. You'll probably fail a few a times. Don't waste time beating yourself up about it. Just pick yourself up and do try again tomorrow. You're going to be just fine. If it's any consolation, I failed today, then I came home and wrote this. If I can keep on, so can you.
*I'm working on not eating out this year. And so far in 10 day's I've done it twice. That's a 20% fail rate. And no, it wasn't the quesadilla's fault, it was mine. I need to go buy groceries, and pack better, and caught my self working late, without adequate nutrition. So I caved, and pounded a giant steak quesadilla at the local spot (delicious). But now I'm out $31 dollars on two meals in 1.5 weeks. It sucks, and I can't take it back, but I will move forward, and stock my car better for next time.