We have a tendency to worry about things that may happen. It's completely natural. However, it can also be a waste of time and energy. What we need to be doing is staying focused on the present; the what is. And planning contingencies for the what if's of the world. Worrying will get us nowhere quick. That's a fact. So listen up, and let's get going.
I was talking to a friend the other day. They were expressing some stresses they were having at work. I was inclined to agree on the situation. After all, when working for the man, job security is always in the back of one's mind. The questions arise like getting fired, or laid off. Where would that put you? I know, I'm there. But worrying won't fix anything. Instead, you need to plan for these things. Cultivate the If Then mentality. If you get fired then you do....Get my point?
And that's what I told him. Plan for the 3 or 4 things that worry you, then you don't have to think about it. You have the solutions in your back pocket. Yeshua tells us not to worry about tomorrow as it is. He says today has enough trouble of its own (Mt 6). Fact. So keep your eyes on today, and plan for tomorrow. Keep all those contingencies in your mind, or on paper. Or both. But have them ready. That way you will be at ease.
And lastly, remember who you serve. God runs this show. If He wants you there, you'll be there and nothing will stop that. If you're forced to move, He'll open doors. He doesn't let His people fail. So remember that. And go do great things.