As men, and leaders in our homes and communities, we have to have our stuff together. That means our priorities. And too much of our time is getting eaten up with distractions, and chasing fantasies. So if this is you, here's your wake up call.
5. Your Money
Dudes! You have to get this one. Start doing your homework now, and get it into action. Everything from budgeting, to financial statements, to plans, income, jobs, investments, practicing the art of frugality. Whatever. Just get on it. With the internet there's no shortage of guru's sharing their opinions on money. So if mom and dad never taught you. Go find someone who will. If you don't start taking this seriously now, you certainly will later, and it won't be good.
4. Your Time
Time is something you don't get back. So make everyday matter. Don't waste it on stupid stuff. Take life seriously. It takes you seriously. Live your life so you won't ever have a mid-life crisis. And that's easy to do. Man up, live by your convictions everyday, and make it count. Jesus said something about he who looks back isn't fit. So stop looking back, and start living today.
3. Your Resources
Pastor Joe Fox always says, "do the best you can, with what you have, where you're at". So stop thinking about what you don't have, and start working with what you do have. There's all stuff we want, that we don't have, but don't let that stop you from doing today. Don't have a gym membership? Me neither. Push ups are free. So no excuses. Sometimes you have to think outside of the box to get it done. That's ok. And maintain your stuff. Take care of it today, and it will take care of you tomorrow.
2. Your Relationships
Social media is cool. But it isn't a replacement for real time with people. So start spending time with the people who matter most, and invest in them. Invest in your community too. And you know what would be really cool? Write someone a letter. When was the last time you received a hand written letter in the mail? They're cool, personal, and a breath of fresh air from the mundane bills, and ads that we get all day. Try it out.
1. Yourself
Yup. I mean yourself. Do you take your mind, body, and spirit seriously? If you do, then you're actively investing in yourself and not wasting away in front of some video game, or online chatroom or whatever. You're learning, growing, expanding, and improving everyday right? And don't forget to take some time off to recharge. I saw this great meme on the internet that said something like, "when you die, your job position will be posted faster than your obituary". So true. So stop thinking your job is your life, and start taking your life seriously today.
I know there's a lot of pressure in the world to not stand up. Your job, the law, the social influence all wants something from us, and its what it takes that usually kills us in the end. So get serious today. Don't be a pawn, and get going. I don't know what you were put here to do, but you should. So go make it happen. It's worth it.