Soldiers are held to high standards (I know, what a shocker). We are expected to think, look, dress, act, and engage at a higher level of professionalism than the average joe. Any veteran will tell you that after a few years of service, coming out into the civilian world takes some serious adjusting (Wearing you jammies to Wal-Mart! No way!). That said, if you're not a service member, or vet, you can start acting like one by maintaining these 3 things:
3. Arms
That's right, are you maintaining your arms? And I don't mean the thunder and lighting attached to your upper torso. I'm talking about your firearms. Don't have any? Get some. Can't have any, get a tactical umbrella, and maintain it. Do you regularly maintain your means of defense? When was the last time you cleaned your gun? Not good enough! And take care of your blades too. That means keeping them sharp, and oiled. And take a little Q-Tip and stick it in the handle and pull all that dirt out. Didn't think of that did you?
2. Equipment
Yup, do you take care of your stuff? or do you not. Is the oil in your car changed regularly? do you clean your car (inside and out)? How about your house. Is it in order? Or did hurricane sloth just pass through? Get on the maintenance. We're all guilty of it. I get it. But it should always necessary in your life to take care of your equipment. The relationship you have with this stuff is reciprocal. Remember that.
1. Yourself
By now, you're probably staring at the Twinkie in your hand. Go ahead and throw it in the trash. Are you taking care of yourself? Diet, exercise, God time, self-improvement, mental health, hygiene, appearance, etc. Or is the hair in your face keeping you from taking a look in the mirror (no pun on long hair)? Take care of yourself. Your mind, your body, and your spirit all need your attention. So figure out what you need to do, and go do it.
So story on this: My son is learning this concept now. He's notorious for leaving stuff all over the place, and losing expensive things like the $30 Swiss Army Knife I bought him (his reply was, "just buy another one". News flash. Not how these things work little dude). It's a process, but one that he will certainly master before he leaves the nest. So no matter where you are in life, you can start today maintaining your arms, your equipment, and yourself.
*Bonus question: Where did the Arms, Equipment, and Self come from? Post below!