People have been speculating about the end times forever. Today, there's dozens of ministries that exist just around this topic. There's also many different eschatology's trying to figure out God's plan for His return. So many different schools of thought, and only 1 Bible. This article isn't on eschatology, but what I see today. For a long time, I was on the fence about when the second coming be. In many ways I still am. So this isn't supposed to scare you, and I don't have all the answers, but let's see some things going on right now, and what they might be.
First. I've spoken with many believers, and I haven't met one that doesn't think we're in the end times. I had a great discussion with a friend last week that is all about the end times stuff. It seems to be all over. Even the gentiles are on it. They think it's environmental, but they do think we're at the end. Is it just me, or is everybody feeling it right now?
Second. Notice all the movies coming out? Post-Apocalyptic is in. Zombies, power outages, environmental disasters, world war, evil dystopian regimes etc. What's with our fascination with all this stuff? Maybe art is imitating life. We like the films because it's resonating with how we feel. Or maybe I'm completely wrong, and it's all in my head. I'll let you decide.
Third. The New World Order. No, I'm not a creepy conspiracy theorist, and honestly, I don't care much for what evil NWO is doing. But, there's no doubt there's a movement towards a one world government. They're teaching it in schools, there's advocates in government trying to undermine national sovereignty, and of course, the international conglomerate; there does seem to be a scary trend going on with this, and it won't be good for the little guy.
Anywho, with all that being said, it's up to you to make the decisions you think are best for you and yours. It's up to you to do the research and prepare accordingly. But if you do think the end is near, my question for you is, what are you doing about it? After all, what's the point of doing all this research and being convinced if you just shrug your shoulders and go about your day?