I've been a Christian for some years now. I went to college and studied theology. I've been to lots of different denominations, and churches. And something was always missing. I just didn't know what. Like so many brothers and sisters out there. My testimony is not much different. A longing for God that I couldn't find. The feeling that there was something more. An inconsistency in the teaching of the Main Stream Church. Trying to find the right doctrine and defend it against all the others. And in the end, knowing that God called us to something more.
I researched the scriptures day and night over this. I couldn't believe it could be true. After all, everything I had been taught by men said this was wrong. So I looked for myself, and what I found what my Father calling me out. And I'm not the only one. What the Bible say's is true, 100%, and if you're ready to see, I have no doubt the Father will show you too.
Now most Christians don't know what it means to be a Hebrew. Most have never heard of it before. And some have the wrong ideas. So I'm going to briefly go over what it is, and what it means. I'll certainly be writing more on this in detail later. But for now, here's a quick look at what it means to be a Hebrew:
1. YHWH is the sovereign God and Creator of the universe. There is no other.
2. The Bible is the inspired word of God. It is infallible.
3. Jesus is the Messiah.
4. Jesus walked a perfect, sinless life.
5. Jesus taught the Torah, and lived it. He commands us to do the same.
6. The Torah is still applicable today. It is God's law for man.
7. Those who love God will do as He says.
8. We will fail, there is no doubt. But Jesus has our sins covered when we do.
9. He will return.
10. His people will be with Him forever.
Of course I could say more. But for the sake of space, I won't. The point is this; Hebrews differ from Christians in that they believe the whole word of God is applicable today. We believe that those saved are adopted into God's family (Israel), and play by house rules. We do not adhere to replacement theology. The church did not replace Israel. We don't believe that Jesus died to cancel out the law. We believe what the Bible says is true. And therefore, we strive to please our Father by obeying it. The law is not for salvation in any way. It is, however, the way our Creator wants us to live, and commune.
This is not legalism. It is not denying our Savior in any way. It's a desire to live as God would have us. His law is the standard. And those committed to Him are willing to give up everything because they love Him. The consequences of that may be persecution, loss of friends, alienation from family, excommunication from the mains stream church, and much more. But it's all worth it for those that endure to the end. I'll be writing more on the scripture for those who are curious. Test it for yourself. At the end of the day, it's not about me, and it's not about being right. It's about seeking God with everything we have.