Are you a lean, mean, fighting machine? Me neither, but it's never too late to change.
Growing up, I worked a lot of manual labor jobs. Construction, landscaping, factory work. I learned what it meant to earn your income in the hardest of ways. Day's out in the cold rain, putting in sandstone patio's, digging holes for trees, and building houses. That's real work. After all that fun, I ended up in the Army where I learned that I was not in fact, in good shape. The Army taught me to work out, and what the word "cardio" meant. I guess you don't know what you don't know. So with that said, do you know what kind of shape you're in?
With 2019 here, and it being January, the only thing selling in the stores right now are nicotine patches and weight loss supplements. Now, I'm not advocating buying anything, but what I am advocating is having an honest discussion with yourself on you level of physical fitness. As men, we need to be in good shape. Ready to work, and to take care of our own. I've been guilty myself, working a job that is sedate. So here's what I'm doing to fix that:
100 Pushups
100 Situps
100 Squats
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Weight Training
Tuesday, Thursday
Cardio (jogging, sprints, etc.)
You'll also want to put down the fatty cakes, and pick up some protein and vegetables. I'm no dietitian, and I'm not giving advice on that, but I will say that common sense dictates.....laying off the fatty cakes. So if you're not working out, and you know you should. Start today. Build yourself a workout routine, and get a partner to hold you accountable. You can also set up a nice reward system for achieving your goals. That should help. And remember, this isn't about looking good, it's about being strong. Let me know your thoughts below and soldier on!