I'm currently serving year nine of my life sentence...Just kidding, but I have been married for nine years. And I love it! that's right.
Marriage isn't something you can go into lightly. It's a commitment that lasts a lifetime. And if it doesn't, the consequences certainly will. There's a few things I want to go over on this topic and I hope it helps clarify marriage.
First. Marriage is like the last hand in a game of poker. The stakes are high, and you know you're either winning big, or losing everything. You man up, push all your chips to the middle of the table, and you play your hand. There is no take backs, and you'll never be the same again. If you're thinking of getting married, I want you to know this. You can't hold anything back. Not your money, not your stuff, not your future, not your freedom, not your privacy. It's all or nothing. When I got married, I asked myself that very same question. I told myself I'll either be getting everything with her, or leaving with nothing. So far, I'm still breathing....and winning.
Second. Playing house does not protect you. I see a lot of young men living with their "girl friends". They keep separate accounts, and seemingly can't commit. They're holding back. Leaving an opening to get out. In short, planning to fail. The sacred union between man and woman doesn't work like that. And honestly, there's no honor in it. So if you're on the fence or playing house...time to make some decisions.
Third. Be very sure before you seal the deal. Character is everything. look for integrity. I lucked out by getting the best woman in the world, so everybody else is going to have to settle for second best, but that said....Look for character, and integrity.
I hope this helps you single guys out there. Message me if you have any questions. I think I've been running this race long enough to share some insight. Marriage isn't terrifying, it's a blessing, and a sacred union. After all, wasn't it God that said it's not good for man to be alone?