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Netflix's Cargo: Parenthood and Sacrifice

Man against Man. Man against nature. Man against himself. These are how stories go.

Netflix's Cargo is an Australian produced post-apocalyptic zombie movie. If you've seen the trailer, you should know that this movie is not a light hearted film. It deals with the worst of the worst. A man, trying to find a decent soul in a lost world to take in his child before his own death. He must fight himself through his sickness, evil men, and the zombie hordes that roam the desert. And he only has 48 hours to do it.

There's not too much I didn't like about the film. The acting, writing, cinematography, and directing were all phenomenal. The story carried, and kept my attention to the end. With the introduction of every new character, hope would rise, only to be lost when their character would reveal itself. It's a story of ups, and downs, with a few twists and turns.

I couldn't help but take some notes on the survival aspect of the film (It's hard not to when watching these types of films). As you will see, naivety was the real killer in this one. Our characters inability to adapt to reality is his ultimate downfall. The other characters in the film, all struggled with this as well. each in their own way. Each to their own demise. This film is a real look into how we deal with life. How the choices we make have consequences, and how we always have a choice.

As a husband and father, this film hits home. It assaults the very core of what we love the most. It puts us in the worse possible scenario, forces us into a place that we don't want to go. But we need too. It's the reality of the situation that we must always face. Naivety, complacency, and false hope have no place in our playbook. For our families we must be strong, and we must be fast. We must face the truth no matter how bad it is, and we must deal with it. Because that's who we are.

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