So you're young, patriotic, and broke. Ready to get out of that small town, or crappy house, and do something with your life. I know, I've been there. Ready to go. Ready for some kind of adventure. You'll gain the respect of your family and friends. You'll be a man, ready for war. Ready for anything. Cool. So here's the top 5 reasons why you should join the Army.
5. Your Family Sucks
So you come from a bad home. Dad isn't around, or maybe he's a drunk. I get it. Maybe they are on drugs, or dealing them. Poverty is all you know. Empty fridge, days without power. No warm water. You sleep on the floor. Police sirens and gun fire outside. The streets are full of violence. Maybe you're poor country, and you don't want to make meth. Totally a great reason to join the Army and get as far away from that as possible.
4. Your Local Economy Sucks
Live in Coal Town USA? Or how about depressing inner city? Is your best prospect a $12.00 hr factory gig at some dismal building? I know, I've been there. Maybe a good time to join the Army. Get some distance between you and that. Punching some dirty time card, and making nothing for it. The Army will give you 3 hots and cot. Train you to be a leader, give you a job skill, and pay you for your time. And even at an E1 salary, it's not a bad deal. My recommendation, pick something that is actually applicable to the outside world if you can. Not everyone is cut out for drone tech, or nuclear missile silo technician. I get it. But try to challenge your brain, not just your body.
3. You Suck
Spend all your time eating Cheeto's and watching Netflix? Are you a serious couch potato? Can't be bothered to spend 20 minutes of your existence doing homework or learning anything? If so, you may need a kick in the butt. Some large angry dude to scream at you all day to do basic tasks like hygiene. The Army will certainly do that for you. Since you flunked high school, and have no ambition for college, or a trade. The Army will certainly motivate your lazy self to action.
2. Federal Work
Want to be in FBI? How about the US Marshall's? Maybe you want to be the future POTUS. I don't know what your dreams/calling are, but the Army may be the first step. Military service goes far on the job application. If you're really awesome and motivated, you may be able to earn yourself a slot at West Point. That said, if you're motivated to advance your career, a few years in the military won't hurt.
1. The Commercials are Awesome
Yup. Those commercials are great. Dudes repelling off of helicopters, shooting ridiculous guns. Handing out food to starving kids. It looks good. I totally bought into those. And maybe you are too. Want to make a difference? Want to change the world? You'll certainly have the opportunity in your capacity. kind of. If you join for the commercials, just remember, putting on Ralph Lauren cologne doesn't give you square jaw, or a six pack. But after it's all over, you'll certainly have life experience, which you probably needed if you fell for the commercials.
Alright. Vet's, and future vets. I'm curious to hear your opinions. So please comment below, or email me. Other than that, I hope you enjoyed the list, and feel free to reach out if this is something you're thinking about doing.