God gave you a brain, it's high time to start using it.
As people, we're conditioned through our environment, our culture, ourselves, and our cumulative life experience. But that shouldn't be a limitation to our advancement in life. We need to be open to new things, and always thinking outside of the box. The standard way of doing things isn't always the best way, and it certainly isn't the only way.
Like Robert Kiyosaki always says about the American way, go to school, get a job, invest in a 401k and retire. But that's not good enough, and he knows it. So we need to be open to new possibilities, and new ways of thinking and acting. Don't take for granted what you think you know, expand your mind, and be open to new things, or you may find yourself lacking.
Remember that most everything we have in our society is fabricated by people. Our roads, homes, laws, school curriculums, economic system, credit and financing etc. It's all created by men, it's not perfect, and in many cases it's not even that good. So remember you do not have to be a slave to it.
There's a few things I'm a big fan of that would be considered weird to many, and I'm going to list them here to give you an idea of what I'm talking about (in no particular order):
Off Grid Living
There's a huge movement to go off the grid. Thousands are doing this now. They're cultivating a lifestyle of self-sufficiency for various reasons. Some for religious reasons, some for family, some to survive, but all have the common trait of not having a mortgage, or utility bills. That's pretty unconventional in America, but realistically, it's been the way of the world since the beginning. So really, who's out of touch?
Carrying a Weapon for Protection
We're pretty fortunate to live in America, it's like the Disneyland of human history. So most of us are pretty safe on the day-to-day. That said, there's "no safe place in an unsafe world". We're responsible for ourselves, and our families. Many have taken it upon themselves to be armed. This of course, doesn't bode well for a lot of folks who don't the see the logic in protecting your life. In most countries, the idea is almost unconceivable.
Alternative Architecture
Being a product of our environment, we may think that the only way to build a house is according to the cities code. Not true. There's tons of great, and unique ways to build houses that are in many ways superior to what we are doing now. For instance: Hearth homes, cob homes, stone homes, dome homes (great for the coast), greenhouse homes, etc. As a matter of fact, I think it should be law that your house has to secure you from the environment specific to your location. So if you're on the coast, concrete dome houses or shipping containers only. In tornado alley, shipping containers bolted to the ground, etc. Think of all the lives and money saved by doing this. But we never will.
The public educational system sucks. That's no secret. So homeschool, or homeschool co-op your kids to give them the education they need to excel in the world. And keep them away from the riff raff. But most don't, because they've been conditioned to accept their environment, and there can't possibly be any other way
It's really interesting how politics frames arguments. Most of the time, there's a better solution to the problem, but it lies outside of the framed argument of either side, and therefore it's not talked about. So usually it's either A or B. Well, C is on the table. Again, use your brain, and don't be confined to the parameters that someone else sets. Especially in politics.
Did you know that our diet is fabricated? Check out Edward Bernays. Bacon and eggs hasn't been around forever, and people are paid to influence culture to achieve change. Edward Bernays may have been the best at this. You don't have to eat this food, at this time. I've always wondered why we have to have a meat at every meal. I like meat, but something seems wrong if I don't have it at every meal. Why? Because I've been conditioned to think it's necessary. It's not. A peanut butter and banana sandwich is a perfect lunch food.
So here's some food for thought. You don't have to do things the way the world tells you too. Maybe instead of a mortgage, you go RV full time, and travel. You're free, but use your head. Don't be confined to the norms. As a matter of fact, be a leader, and an influencer to induce change where needed. No one ever thought we would fly until 2 crazy brothers decided to make it happen. Now look where we are. That could be you.