So you've got your head on straight, your conceal carry permit, and a respectable firearm. And then something bad happens. Who are you going to call?
I've been carrying a firearm my entire adult life. However, I haven't been insured should anything happen until now. The reality is, should you ever have to protect yourself, and/or your family, you'll be dealing with the gov. And that is never fun. My father used to always say, "whatever you do, never, ever, get caught up in the criminal justice system". And that is advice I take seriously, and I suggest you do to.
You don't get to pick when the fight happens. That's a reality, and that's why we have the protection we do. However, in many cases the gov, and the law can be very unfriendly towards you saving your own life. You may be charged with a crime for doing so. At the very least, a nice trip down to the jail. Not to mention civil suits, and an attorney. How much do you have in the piggy bank to cover that? Ya, me neither.
So, go out and check out the USCCA website, and get yourself insured. I have the basic plan, with my wife included. Out the door, I'm $30 a month. That's an investment that is well worth having an attorney on call, money to pay them, bail money, and money for a civil suit. They also give a bunch of training aids and a magazine and a bunch of other stuff. Leaders use their heads, and logic dictates that we insure our cars, houses, and personal items. We should insure our actions as well.
P.S. I'm not getting paid for this. However, I'm totally open to the idea.