“I do not want to see Christianity professed only by weaklings; I want to see it a moving spirit among men of strength.”
-Theodore Roosevelt
When did everyone start trying to be liked so much? There's even little buttons we can click on the screen for being liked or disliked. The truth is men, it's not your job to be liked. It's your job to get stuff done, and in the end, you'll most likely be respected for it. So if you're reading this, and you have a want-to-be-liked problem. Here's three things you can do to solve that problem, and be the person that God wants you to be.
When we lose God, we lose everything. Ever try living without God? It doesn't work. Ever try breaking the rules? Also doesn't work. Abandoning God for self is a really fast way to lose. So if you're reading this and God is not your foundation...Repent of your sin, turn in faith to Jesus Christ, pick up a Bible and go change the world. Already a Christian...no fear, no excuses, get to work spreading the gospel.
That's right. The idea of leadership is lost in the sauce. How do I know? because I have two eyes, a brain, and a connection to the internet. Leadership is lost in the home, it's lost in the street, it's lost in the government, and it's lost to the individual. Case in point, kids growing up godless, and lost. Where are the parents? Probably lost too, and not leading the way they should be. Solution? Start leading. Lead yourself, your family and then your community.
That's right. Courage. Is it possible the strongest, richest, and most-free country in the world is scared? Yes. Why? Because we've lost our courage, which left when we left God. You need the courage the speak the truth, live the truth, and be disliked for it. Go back and read the story of David and Goliath. or read the first few chapters of Daniel. I guarantee you'll feel better. These men had courage. The courage to live, and to die. Stop worrying about being disliked. Worry about pleasing God.
So to recap, is your foundation strong? are you leading yourself and others? and are you courageous? If not, stop reading this, pick up your Bible, and have a heart-to-heart with God.
With love,