My daughter is 14 years old, and in 8th grade at the time of this writing. The Lord, as of a few months ago, has elected her into His kingdom, and His fold. A very exciting time for the family. I was privileged to be able to conduct the baptism. With her eyes open to the truth, and passionate for God, she finds herself alone at school, surrounded by wolves. Every day she comes home exasperated, at the pagan, atheist, sexually depraved environment she is subjected to be in. What can a father do?
“Now go, I am sending you out like lambs among wolves” -Luke 10:3
The daily reports I receive go as such:
“that girl brings in books on spells, and witchcraft” (her parents are Christian by the way)
“All the girls in my class are Atheists” (with Christian parents)
“The girls say God is sexist putting women below men” (Ya sure, where did you find that again?)
“2 girls in my class are pansexual” (whatever that means)
“The girls dress weird, like boys, and shave their heads”
“Theres like a darkness around those kids”
“All the music they listen too is dark”
“This one girl said she doesn’t believe in God, she believes in science”
“All the atheist kids parents are Christian”
“I’m the only Christian in my school”
And I thought my school days were tough.
It breaks my heart to have to hear these reports daily from my daughter. It also pains me to see her torn between enjoying school, and having to be surrounded by those influenced so deeply by satan. I encourage her daily to stay true to God, and to know that she is the light in a dark room. And to always stand on the gospel as her source of truth, and power. That all of that darkness, and non-sense comes not from God, but from the evil one.
I share with her the truth of the gospel, dispelling all of the garbage these kids espouse throughout the school day. I tell her the truth. That there are only two genders. That God created man, and not accidental pond-scum. That witchcraft is evil. That these kids with their witchcraft can’t touch my daughter as she is a child of God. She serves the Almighty. There is nothing to fear, and that she should be fearless in her proclamation of the truth. Though at times, I know she has difficulty articulating that. As she grows, I have faith that courage will grow as well.
Many of you may be experiencing the same challenges. Remain strong and in the Lord. Don’t fear, and don’t let the influence of the world steal your children from you. The atheistic, humanistic, sexually depraved, pagan world has nothing on our God. Talk to your kids, and give them the confidence, and support they need.