Unforgiven is an American Classic. And in this American Classic is one of my all time favorite movie lines. If you haven't seen it (which I know you have because it's such a great film), I'll break it down for you real quick so we can get to the point.
Clint Eastwood, and Morgan Freeman are retired gunmen contracted out of retirement to kill a man who roughed up a prostitute. Along their journey, they go through a sort of self discovery, and analysis of who they were and who they are. They come into conflict with the sheriff of the town, and of course a shoot out ensues. Gene Hackman (the sheriff) upon his death looks up to Clint and says, "I don't deserve this". Clint Replies, "Deserves got nothin to do with it".
Deserves got nothing to do with it.
Newsflash. Life isn't fair, and what we do get we don't deserve. There's a thing called theodicy. It's the question of why bad things happen to good people. And the answer to that question is nobody is good, and nobody deserves anything. So stop thinking that way. The Bible tells us that we are all dead in our sins and trespasses, separated from God, underserving of His grace, mercy, and love. But He gives it to us freely.
We don't deserve God's love. But love isn't about deserve. And God gives. Sometimes life doesn't make sense. Starving children in Africa for example; why? I don't know. But I know the God who does, and I know that all will be made right by him. Remember, we don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to challenging the Most High. He runs the show. He is potter, and we are the clay. It's our job to trust the plans of our creator, and to keep focused on the mission he created us for.
So let us be grateful for the things we have. Let's be humble before our God. Never demand anything of Him. Not only did He create this world, but he lived in it, and died in it for us. Not that we were in any place to accept that. So know your place, and don't worry too much about the big picture. He's got it under control. And alway's remember that deserves got nothing to do with it.