Faith without works is dead!
We've all heard this said. It comes from James. Author of the book of James, found in the Bible, near the end. I suggest you read it. The whole point that James is making is that through our faith, our works will show. This passage has been twisted at times to imply salvation through works, but that is not the case. But faith and obedience are two sides of the same coin.
Go over to John chapter 15. There's some pretty serious talk in there about our actions reflecting our faith. And as men, we need to be living as God called us. We don't do good works to get into heaven. And we don't do them because we have to. We do them because God loves us, and we love Him. If we're not acting through our faith, our works are dead. Personally, I don't want to be dead, and I don't think you do either.
So what can you do? Start today. Start a better relationship with God, and when you get yourself squared away, I guarantee the good works will start flowing. God calls us to be obedient to His word, and His way. As saved Christians, we're playing on God's team now, and we need to be playing by His rules. Spend some time in the word, and in prayer. Then go act in obedience. You might be surprised to find that it's not a chore at all. It's a blessing to serve.