I've been rocking the Glock 42 a.k.a Baby Glock for a couple of years now. And yes, I am aware that they make a 43. And yes, you can donate towards the purchase of one if seeing someone carry a .380 is that hard for you. So here is quick review of this guy after a couple years of daily use:
1. It's ridiculously accurate. That's right, dead bullseye at 50ft. This thing is more accurate than most shooters are.
2. It's ridiculously shootable. Don't worry about those follow up shots
3. It's the size of an iPhone 6 Plus. It's cool to have matching sized toys.
4. It's small enough to conceal, and big enough to fight with.
5. It's super light. As much as I love 40 oz guns, carrying this thing is a breeze.
Now for the downsides:
1. Racking the slide is not for the faint hearted.
2. The slide stop is almost useless
3. The slide is pretty slippery. Recommend some tape or something.
4. .380 is expensive and arguably underpowered for a carry gun (not a Glock thing)
5. The trigger could be better. A little weighty, but crisp, and totally usable.
So in the end....
If you don't mind a heavy slide, and a useless slide release, the 42 is great. It's small, accurate, and most importantly it gets the job done.