Before you read this blog post, go and read Daniel chapter 3. Now! Yes, Right now!
Daniel 3 is the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendnego, 3 servants of the king who refused to commit idolatry. There's more lessons in this story than I can even begin to go in to, however, we'll go into a couple of them now.
First, in life you may find yourself in a tight spot. You might find yourself in a spot that is impossible for you to get out of. I think at one point or another we've all been there. And with that, you need to be grounded in your faith. That is, in Jesus Christ. Because what is impossible for you is possible for Him. So if you find yourself in the furnace, look up to God to get you out .
Second, you need to stand on your convictions. Shad, Mesh, and Abe didn't ask for trouble, but trouble found them. Same could happen to you. So be ready. I have a saying; never let the situation dictate your principles, let your principles dictate the situation. These guys definitely did that. And thousands of years later, their example, and God's hand continue to inspire and teach!
Third, the worlds not a friendly place. That's right. Even in America, things get ugly quick. So open your eyes to that fact. Our 3 heroes were torn from their homes and families, exiled to a foreign land to serve the guy who killed a bunch of their relatives and burned down their house. They certainly knew the truth, and so should you. So be as wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. And know that, "There's no safe place in an unsafe world" -PJF
So into the furnace you may go, but go with faith, hope, and love. Always stand on your convictions, and let them dictate how you react to life's situations. Don't let the world move you, we're called as soldiers and priests to move the world. God hasn't forgotten about you, and He never will. He'll see you through.