So last week I was visiting my local gun store checking some things out when I came across the flashlight stand. Now I've been rocking an Energizer brand flashlight for years. Surprisingly, that $16 Energizer flashlight was amazing (and still is). That said, it was time to upgrade. But I'm not cool enough for a really expensive tactical light, and to be honest, I don't like round lights in my pants pocket.
So we come to the Nebo. I think I paid around $25 for this thing. I looked at it for about 30 seconds and bought it. I didn't really have any idea what I bought, but after a few days with this thing, and some research, I'm really glad I did.
First, the thing is 500 lumens. rechargeable, and with an adjuster that isn't annoying. Second, it's got a great clip, and a cool hooky thing for hanging it on stuff. It's also got magnets on the back and bottom for sticking it on things, or having things get stuck to it. Cool. Third, it's flat. It sits in the pocket nice, and clips to belt nice as well. You can also clip it to your jacket and it stays in place.
Going back to not being cool enough to own a tactical light, I don't carry a handgun that has a rail. So previously with my old light, I had to keep it in my non-dominant had in low light conditions. Not anymore! with the Nebo Slim which has a super wide lens I can clip it to my belt, or my jacket and it frees up my hand for all those late night tactical missions I'm pulling (not really).
I love this thing. I want to buy about 10 of them to be honest. Now before you do, you should know that at full power it does heat up like crazy so you'll most likely run it at a lower setting, or not use it for more than 3-4 minutes at a time. Also, if you turn it on in your pocket, you may burn your leg. I wouldn't recommend silk underwear as a precaution. But, if you stick with cotton, and keep an eye on it, you'll get major cool points from all your friends, and have an awesome light.
P.S. Nebo isn't paying me anything for this, however, I'm totally open to an endorsement.